CALENDAR FOR 2024 - 2025


General Meetings 2024 normally held in the Artisan Room Wests Illawarrra Club Unanderra 2526.

 Located at 1 Hargeave St Unanderra

Entry to room 10am for meeting to start at 10.15am. Meetings finish at 12.30pm, followed by lunch to continue the fellowship with other members in the Club

General Meetings - 2024
Feb 6 - Members' Show and Tell 
Mar 5 – Robyn Menghi - Ned Kelly or alternate

Apr  2 - Lorraine Neate Illawarra Historical Society & her new book
May 18 - Noon lunch at Kiama Leagues Club to commemorate sailing of First Fleet in 1787
June 4 – AGM & KA  Christian - Fan Tales - note change of venue to a different room in the Club

July 2 - Micheal Traynor - Sea Shanties - Maritime Theme

Aug 5 - Fellowship Day & chapter's 23rd birthday - no guest speaker

Sept 3 – Ian Wilson - The Pickerings

Oct 1 - David Christian - Sailing from Fremantle to Broome
Nov 5 – Ann Snedden Mobbs - UNESCO Memory of the World - Our Convict Ancestors - Don't forget to wear your Melbourne Cup Hat!
Dec 3 - Christmas Luncheon - Berkeley Sports & Social Club tentative -  Noon


General Meetings - 2025

Feb 4 - Members' Show and Tell 
Mar4 - First Fleet Presentation Pack developed by FFF President Gillian Doyle

Apr 1 - David Christian - Journey into India - Amritsar
May 17 - Noon luncheon  at venue tba -  to commemorate sailing of First Fleet in 1787
June 3 – Stuart Traynor - Looking for Alice Angalae

July 1 - AGM - K A Christian - Journey into India - Heritage Rail Journeys & UNESCO

Aug 5 - Fellowship Day & chapter's 24th birthday - no guest speaker

Sept 2 – tba

Oct 7 -  John Watson - Jean Lane - A Dark Tale
Nov 4 – Ian Wilson - tba - Don't forget to wear your Melbourne Cup Hat!
Dec 2 - Christmas Luncheon - Noon - venue tba



A walk around the Old Dapto Smelter site conducted by John Boyd has been proposed for the warmer months


Committee Meetings (held in Board Room of Wests Illawarra Club -  10am - 12 noon)

January 23
March 26
May 28
July 23

September 24
November 26 - Committee members lunch at venue tba - Wests Illawarra Club?




Further Information contact:  President, Kerrie Anne Christian  ph (02) 42671488





Copyright Fellowship of First Fleeters South Coast Chapter